Thursday, July 21, 2016

INTERNATIONAL Speech Melania Trump Resembling Michelle Obama

INTERNATIONAL Speech Melania Trump Resembling Michelle Obama Speech Melania Trump Resembling Michelle Obama,One delegate said that everyone fell in love with him . Another compared to Jackie Kennedy .

Melania Trump became a star in the Convention on Monday evening attracted a crowd of National Republican GOP is rarely heard from him . But his speech also drew attention after the discovery that the two parts of almost word for word from Michelle Obama -like speech that was delivered in 2008 at the Democratic National Convention Partau

The speech focused on the lessons that Trump 's wife says she learned from her parents and the relevance of their learning in her experience as a mother .

" No plagiarism Michelle Obama 's speech , " Paul Manafort , Trump campaign manager , said on Tuesday morning in a CNN interview . "Of course , there is no feeling on her part that she would do that , " he said . " What he's done is use words common words . "

Manafort said Mrs. Trump realized " how the speech will be scrutinized " and said any notion that he took part of the convention Mrs. Obama's speech was " a sensible thing . "

The speech was similar to Mrs. Trump lasted about 10 minutes .

In a speech Mrs. Trump in Cleveland , he said : " From a young age , my parents impressed on me that have values ​​that you work hard for what you want in life , that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise ,About 100 organizations in India and Bangladesh Support Zakir Naik .that you treat people with respect . they teach and demonstrate the values ​​and morals in their daily lives . "

Trump campaign initially responded that Mrs. Trump " is the immigrant experience and love to shine in his speech. " The statement did not mention Mrs. Obama . " In a wonderful speech writing , the writer Melania team took note of the inspiration of his life , and in some cases included a fragment that reflects the thinking of its own , " said Trump spokesman , Jason Miller .

Source : e-koran

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